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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Hybrid Dentures: What Are They and Who Can Benefit from Them?

For patients who are missing multiple teeth, hybrid dentures can be an excellent solution. These dentures are a type of implant-supported denture that combines the stability and durability of dental implants with the convenience of dentures. Here's what you need to know about hybrid dentures:

What Are Hybrid Dentures?

Hybrid dentures, also known as fixed-detachable dentures or implant-supported dentures, are a type of dental prosthesis that is secured in place with dental implants. Unlike traditional dentures that rest on the gums, hybrid dentures are attached to dental implants that are surgically placed into the jawbone. This provides a stable and secure foundation for the denture and allows patients to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

Who Can Benefit from Hybrid Dentures?

Hybrid dentures are a great option for patients who are missing multiple teeth or have extensive tooth decay or gum disease. They are also a good choice for patients who have tried traditional dentures and are unhappy with the fit or stability of their dentures.

In addition, hybrid dentures may be a good option for patients who have experienced bone loss in the jaw due to missing teeth. Dental implants can help stimulate the growth of new bone tissue, which can improve the overall health of the jaw and provide a better foundation for the denture.

What Are the Benefits of Hybrid Dentures?

Hybrid dentures offer several benefits over traditional dentures, including:

  1. Stability: Because hybrid dentures are attached to dental implants, they provide a stable and secure fit that does not require adhesives or suction to stay in place.
  2. Durability: Hybrid dentures are made with high-quality materials that are designed to last for many years with proper care.
  3. Improved chewing and speaking: Because hybrid dentures are secured in place, patients can eat and speak with confidence without worrying about their denture slipping or shifting.
  4. Improved jawbone health: Dental implants can help stimulate the growth of new bone tissue in the jaw, which can improve overall jaw health and prevent further bone loss.

In conclusion, hybrid dentures are an excellent option for patients who are missing multiple teeth or have extensive dental problems. If you're interested in learning more about hybrid dentures or think you may be a good candidate for this type of dental prosthesis, talk to your dentist about your options. With proper care and maintenance, hybrid dentures can provide a comfortable and durable solution for patients with missing teeth.

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